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Special Services

Special Ed

School Staff



Navigate IEP

What the heck is an IEP? Why are all these people involved? What are my and my child's rights?

Covid Guidance

When to wear a mask at school? Who gets vaccinated? What are my rights? Do we have to get the vaccine?

What You Need To Know

What are the right questions to ask, teachers, staff, doctors and specialists. When should I speak up?


How can the community help? Where and when is it right to bring in outside help?

Short About


With 25 years experience in classrooms and the administration, the founder Dr. L Hartman of NaviParent, knew there was a disconnect between the parents, the teacher and the student. Over the course of many years and in teaching teachers how to teach to the whole student, she found a solution. The Co-Join Technique is a guided methodology for bridging the gaps in learning and communication. Instead of a 1 on 1 approach, Co-Join takes the way children process information differently, and brings out ways to address the student at the need. Still a 12 to 1 teaching organization. But more communication across all levels of involvement. The students get what they need, from all stakeholders and performance increases are measurable

Processing information

Parents and Family

Teachers and Staff

Community Members


Years Of Experience

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Find Out What You Need To Know

With all our years of experience we can advocate for you like no other organization. Answer all the questions you have. We can conveniently bill the appropriate agency for our services. Leaving the parents free to focus on their child.

+1(347) 562-4042

Experienced educational staff with over 25 years

support parents navigate systems

support parents with array of meetings about their children